Before I did custom Buffy/Angel figures I made Model Kits. All the Model Kits I made are 1:6 scale and are of movies and tv. What I liked most about the model kits was that I got to choose which colours I painted the Model Kit.
But when I started making custom Buffy/Angel figures I even got more freedom, like you get to choose which figure, of which episode and with the clothes you want. I just love that ;-)

Spike Hellraiser Spike Hellraiser
Surgeon Hellraiser Surgeon Hellraiser
Exorcist Spiderwalk Exorcist Spiderwalk
Angel Vampire Stitch Hellraiser
Stitch Hellraiser Stitch Hellraiser
Carrie Carrie2
The host & gentleman Gentleman
The host The host2
Mulder Scully
Mulder & Scully Xena
Halloween Buffy wall
Superman - Clark Terminator


A little story... Wanna trade some? Figures made with model kits The custom figures that are for sale! Are you interested? All goodies that I want to trade All attented national and international events Nothing here yet! New Customs Custom made Angel figures Custom made Buffy figures